Structural Properties and Recrystallization Effects in Ion Beam Modified B20-type FeGe Films
Jiangteng Liu, Ryan Schoell, Xiyue S. Zhang, Hongbin Yang, M. B. Venuti, Hanjong Paik, David A. Muller, Tzu-Ming Lu, Khalid Hattar, and Serena Eley
APL Materials (accepted, 2024)

Combinatorial Printing of Iron and Cobalt Reactive Inks to Produce Magnetic Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Metals
Collin E. Miller, Joshua Edwards, Chris Matsumura, Matthew Michael Schneider, Serena Eley, Suveen N. Mathaudhu, Owen J. Hildreth
ACS Applied Nano Materials (2024)

Quadrupling the depairing current density in the iron-based superconductor SmFeAsO1 xHx
Masashi Miura, Serena Eley, Kazumasa Iida, Jumpei Matsumoto, Hidenori Hiramatsu, Yuki Ogimoto, Takumi Suzuki, Tomoki Kobayashi, Toshinori Ozaki, Hodaka Kurokawa, Naoto Sekiya, Ryuji Yoshida, Takeharu Kato, Tatsunori Okada, Hiroyuki Okazaki, Tetsuya Yamaki, Jens Hänisch, Satoshi Awaji, Atsutaka Maeda, Boris Maiorov, Hideo Hosono
Nature Materials 23, 1370–1378 (2024)

[Highlighted in Obradors, X., Puig, T. Pin the vortex on the superconductor. Nature Materials 23, 1311–1312 (2024).]

Inducing a Tunable Skyrmion-Antiskyrmion System through Ion Beam Modification of FeGe Films
M. B. Venuti, Xiyue S. Zhang, Eric J Lang, Sadhvikas J. Addamane, Hanjong Paik, Portia Allen, Peter Sharma, David Muller, Khalid Hattar Tzu-Ming Lu, Serena Eley.
npJ Spintronics 2, 16 (2024)


Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Thin Film LaWN3
Rebecca W. Smaha, John S. Mangum, Ian A. Leahy, Julian Calder, Matthew P. Hautzinger, Christopher P. Muzzillo, Craig L. Perkins, Kevin R. Talley, Serena Eley, Prashun Gorai, Sage R. Bauers, Andriy Zakutayev.
Physical Review Materials 7, 084411 (2023).

Haley Cole, M. B. Venuti, Mun K. Chan, Brian Gorman, Eric D. Bauer, Mun K. Chan, and Serena Eley. Plastic vortex creep and dimensional crossovers in the highly anisotropic superconductor HgBa2CuO4+δ.
Physical Review B 107, 104509 (2023).

Tsymbal & Shan X. Wang. Observation of anti-damping spin-orbit torques generated by in-plane and out-of-plane spin polarizations in antiferromagnetic MnPd3
Mahendra DC, Ding-Fu Shao, Vincent D.-H. Hou, Arturas Vailionis, P. Quarterman, Ali Habiboglu, M. B. Venuti, Fen Xue, Yen-Lin Huang, Chien-Min Lee, Masashi Miura, Brian Kirby, Chong Bi, Xiang Li, Yong Deng, Shy-Jay Lin, Wilman Tsai, Serena Eley ,Wei-Gang Wang, Julie A. Borchers, Evgeny Y.
Nature Materials 22, 591–598 (2023).


High kinetic inductance NbTiN superconducting transmission line resonators in the very thin film limit
Terence M. Bretz-Sullivan, Rupert M. Lewis, Ana L. Lima-Sharma, Peter A. Sharma, David Lidsky, Christopher Smyth, C. Thomas Harris, Michael Venuti, Serena Eley, Tzu-Ming Lu.
Applied Physics Letters 121, 5 (2022).

Spectroscopic Investigation of Shallow Hole Traps in Ga- and B-doped Czochralski Silicon: Insight into Light-Induced Degradation.
Abigail R. Meyer, Tarek O. Abdul Fattah, P. Craig Taylor, Michael B. Venuti, Serena Eley, Vincenzo LaSalvia, William Nemeth, Matthew Page, David L. Young, Matthew Halsall, Paul Stradins, and Sumit Agarwal.
ACS Applied Energy Materials 5, 11, 13161–13165 (2022).

High-Throughput Selection and Experimental Realization of Two New Ce-Based Nitride Perovskites: CeMoN3 and CeWN3
Rachel Sherbondy, Rebecca W. Smaha, Megan Holtz, Kevin R. Talley, Christopher J. Bartelc, Ben Levy-Wendtd, Serena Eley, Craig L. Perkins, Andriy Zakutayev, and Geoff Brennecka.
Chemistry of Materials 34, 15, 6883–6893 (2022).


Designing high-performance superconductors with nanoparticle inclusions: comparisons to strong pinning theory
Sarah C. Jones, Masashi Miura, Ryuji Yoshida, Takeharu Kato, Leonardo Civale, Roland Willa, and Serena Eley
Applied Physics Letters Materials 9, 091105 (2021)

Challenges and Transformative Opportunities in Superconductor Vortex Physics
Serena Eley, Andreas Glatz, Roland Willa
Journal of Applied Physics 130, 050901 (2021) [Editor’s Pick, Cover Art, Highlighted in Scilight]

Spectroscopic Investigation of Mechanism of Light-Induced Degradation in Boron-doped Silicon
Abigail R. Meyer, P. Craig Taylor, Michael B. Venuti, Serena Eley, Vincenzo LaSalvia, William Nemeth, Matthew Page, David L. Young, Paul Stradins, and Sumit Agarwal
Energy & Environmental Science 14, 5416-5422 (2021)


Large enhancement of the in-field critical current density of YBCO coated conductors due to composite pinning landscape
K. J. Kihlstrom, L. Civale, S. Eley, D. Miller, U. Welp, W.-K. Kwok, P. Niraula, A. Kayani, G. Ghigo, F. Laviano, S. Fleshler, M. W. Rupich, and M. Leroux
Superconductor Science and Technology 34 015011 (2021)

Vortex phases and glassy dynamics in the highly anisotropic superconductor HgBa2CuO4+δ
Serena Eley, Roland Willa, Mun K. Chan, Eric D. Bauer & Leonardo Civale
Scientific Reports 10, 10239 (2020)


Creation of Nanoscale Magnetic Fields using Nano-magnet Arrays
K. R. Sapkota, S. Eley, E. Bussmann, C. T. Harris, L. N. Maurer, and T. M. Lu
AIP Advances 9, 075203 (2019)[Highlighted in Annett, J. F., New nanoscale magnetic field method provides step for quantum computing AIP Scilight (2019)]


Designing Nanomagnet Arrays for Topological Nanowires in Si
L. N. Maurer, J. K. Gamble, L. Tracy, S. Eley, and T. M. Lu
Physical Review Applied 10, 054071 (2018)

Glassy Dynamics in a heavy ion irradiated NbSe2 crystal
S. Eley, K. Khilstrom, R. Fotovat, Z.L. Xiao, A. Chen, D. Chen, M. Leroux, U. Welp, W-K Kwok, L. Civale
Scientific Reports 8, 13162 (2018)


Universal Lower Limit on Vortex Creep in Superconductors
S. Eley, M. Miura, B. Maiorov, L. Civale
Nature Materials 16, 409-413 (2017)
[Highlighted in Fitzgerald, R.J., Physics Today 70, 4, 24 (2017)

Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the heavy fermion system Ce2CoAl7Ge4
P. Dioguardi, P. Guzman, P. F. S. Rosa, N. J. Ghimire, S. Eley, S. E. Brown, J. D. Thompson, E. D. Bauer, F. Ronning
Physical Review B 96, 245132 (2017)

Decoupling and tuning competing effects of different types of defects on flux creep in irradiated YBa2Cu3O7−δ coated conductors
S. Eley, M. Leroux, M.W. Rupich, D.J. Miller, H. Sheng, P.M. Niraula, A. Kayani, U. Welp, W.-K. Kwok, L. Civale
Superconductor Science & Technology 30, 015010 (2017)


Quantum critical scaling in the disordered itinerant ferromagnet UCo1-xFexGe
K. Huang, S. Eley, P. F. S. Rosa, L. Civale, E. D. Bauer, R. E. Baumbach, M. B. Maple, M. Janoschek
Physical Review Letters 117, 237202 (2016)

Engineered Pinning Landscapes for Enhanced 2G Coil Wire
M. W. Rupich, S. Sathyamurthy, S. Fleshler, Q. Li, V. Solovyov, T. Ozaki, U. Welp, W.-K. Kwok, M. Leroux, A. E. Koshelev, D. J. Miller, K. Kihlstrom, L. Civale, S. Eley, A. Kayani
IEEE Transactions Applied Superconductivity 26, 3 (2016)

Physical properties of the Ce2MAl7Ge4 heavy fermion compounds (M = Co, Ir, Ni, Pd)
N. J. Ghimire, S. K. Cary, S. Eley, N. A. Wakeham, P. F .S. Rosa, T. Albrecht-Schmitt, M. Janoschek, C. M. Brown, L. Civale, J. D. Thompson, F. Ronning, E. D. Bauer
Physical Review B 93, 205141 (2016)

Irradiation Induced Defects in YBa2Cu3O7-δ Coated Conductors
H. P. Sheng, J. Wen, L.Wang, D.J. Miller, M. Leroux, U. Welp, W.K. Kwok, M.W. Rupich, P.M. Niraula, A. Kayani, S. Eley, L. Civale
Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (2016)

History-dependent dissipative vortex dynamics in superconducting arrays
M. Durkin, I. Mondragon-Shem, S. Eley, T. L. Hughes, N. Mason
Physical Review B 94, 024510 (2016)


Rapid Doubling of the Critical Current of YBa2Cu3O7−δ Coated Conductors for Viable High-Speed Industrial Processing
M. Leroux, K.J. Kihlstrom, S. Holleis, M.W. Rupich, S. Sathyamurthy, S. Fleshler, H.P. Sheng, D.J. Miller, S. Eley, L. Civale, A. Kayani, P.M. Niraula, U. Welp, W.K. Kwok
Applied Physics Letters 107, 192601 (2015)


Dependence of global superconductivity on inter-island cou­pling in arrays of long SNS junctions
S. Eley, S. Gopalakrishnan, P. M. Goldbart, N. Mason
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 445701 (2013)


Approaching zero-temperature metallic states in mesoscopic superconductor–normal–superconductor arrays
S. Eley, S. Gopalakrishnan, P. M. Goldbart, N. Mason
Nature Physics 8, 59–62 (2012)[Highlighted in Annett, J. F., Nature Physics 8, 8–9 (2012)]